
Seth has always fought sleeping, especially naps. Jude is even worse. It is a good day if we get the eight month baby to take ONE good nap. Since Jude was born, and Seth was promoted to “big boy,” it has been very challenging to get Seth to rest during nap time. We cannot force him to sleep. We do not want sleeping to be viewed as a punishment, or simply just something dreadful. Clint and I decided it was time for a change.

Seth now has “rest time.” I know he is only four years old, but it was time. While Jude takes his (hopeful) nap, Seth goes into his room with books and puzzles. He sits on his bed, listens to Bible songs, reads, and works puzzles. Although it is strange that my preschool aged son does not take a nap anymore, it was a good change for him. He sleeps better at night, he enjoys some time away from the baby, and I still get a little time to sit down, design, and blog.

All of this naptime change has come in the middle a crazy time in our lives. My family has needed rest. We have needed rejuvenation. God has given us both. Jesus’ words in Matthew 11 have been very close to me during the last few months.

“Come to me, all of you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to carry and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

The first “rest” in this passage is a Greek verb that means “to cause someone to gain relief from toil; cause to rest, give (someone) rest, refresh, revive.”

My children need a time in the day to be revived. Clint and I need time together to be refreshed. As a Christian, I need relief from the toils of this world.

I am never promised a toil-free life. I am never promised that my life will be easy. We are told to expect the opposite. We are told to expect persecution. But we are given the imperative to take the yoke of Jesus and to learn from him. Taking and learning are not suggestions. They are commands.

The second “rest” is a noun that means “cessation from wearisome activity for the sake of rest, rest, relief.”

As I rest in God, he gives rest to my soul. His rest has carried me and my family through some challenging times. His rest continues to sustain us. Are you in need of rest? Go to God. He, and he alone, can give you the rest that you need.


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