Getting “The Call”

Our world has turned upside down in the last week. Not just my family’s world, but the world as a whole has been turned upside down. The affects of COVID-19 are everywhere. The streets are empty. With schools shutting down, my husband is preparing to teach in an online/distance learning format. We have opted to follow the city/state/country guidelines and distance ourselves from friends and family in an attempt to slow the spread of this strange virus.

Some people are completely overreacting. The toilet paper hoarding really needs to stop. I am not really worried about my little family. If one of us contracts COVID-19, the likelihood that we will recover and be okay is highly probable. However, there are people who are at high risk–the elderly, those with health conditions, pregnant moms. It is important for everyone to do their part to protect others as best we can.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew 7:12 (NIV)

However, there is another group that is at risk right now: those in our workforce. We have a friend who received a call a few days ago from her significant other. He had lost his job. I have a family member whose work hours are being slashed. I have friends who are terrified that their jobs will be eliminated. My heart goes out to these people.

I know what it is like to get that call. I will never forget when Clint called me and said, “I’m sorry. I don’t have a job anymore.” We had a mortgage, a baby, and a preschooler. We had a life. And suddenly, we had no income.

To those of you who have already lost a job; to those of you who have lost work hours; to those of you who are frightened that you will lose your job—I understand your emotions; I understand your frustrations; I understand your fears.

Amazon is trying to hire 100,000 employees right now.

Grocery stores, like H-E-B, Kroger, Safeway, and many more, are trying to hire cashiers, stockers, and others right now.

Walmart is looking to hire 150,000 employees.

Tech companies, like Microsoft and Zoom, are hiring as people being working and learning remotely.

Delivery companies are hiring, especially food and grocery delivery companies.

Cleaning services are hiring.

Humana is hiring.

I know there are other companies hiring right now as our world changes.

I understand that many of these jobs will not substitute in the long-term a job that you may have lost. But I do know that in the short term, these jobs can mean the world to someone who does not have an income source. When Clint came home after losing his job, we immediately began trying to find something, anything, to support us. Do not lose hope. Do not give up. As President Trump continuously says, we will defeat this virus; we will defeat this time.

*** If you hear of any other companies that are hiring right now, post them for others! Let me know so I can post them!

2020 03 20 the call
We celebrated Seth’s SIXTH birthday before the COVID-19 panic struck.
Getting “The Call”

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