Quarantine Positives

During the last few weeks of quarantine, emotions have run rampant around our country. In our home, with a six-year-old and a two-year-old, we already have an array of emotions. We have spent a lot of time in our yard, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Bike rides have also helped to build positive emotions.

While talking to a friend the other day, I began to think about all of the positive things we have experienced during this quarantine time. For one thing, I have loved having all of this extra family time. Clint has been teaching from home. Although he is still working, we have loved having him around. It means that instead of just seeing him at night, we get to eat lunch and dinner with him. Jude has enjoyed bombing his Zoom meetings. Seth loves getting to have more time with him, since Clint has not had to commute to and from work. I am thankful for all of the extra time we have had together as well. Clint and I have had the opportunity to talk through so many things during the last few weeks. We have become closer as a couple and as a family.

I had to reschedule Seth’s annual physical checkup due to COVID-19. We finally made it to the pediatrician’s office a few days ago. We did not have to go into the waiting room. We were able to wait in our car. When our room was ready, they called me. It was wonderful! I have always been uncomfortable in doctor’s waiting rooms. After the quarantine is over, even if our pediatrician goes back to the normal waiting room protocol, I will opt for waiting in our car. The precedent has been set, and I am very thankful.

We have had time to complete lots of projects, clean out lots of closets, and organize several rooms. Seth and I organized all of our Legos by color. Jude helped me sort through all of his baby clothes and toys. Clint has had time at night and on the weekends to complete several house projects. We moved the boys and all the toys into one room. We converted Seth’s old room into a school/art room. Between homeschooling and Clint teaching from home, we needed a real school space. We have school desks, books, and all our arts and crafts in one place. Dividing the bedrooms between a sleeping/play area and a school/studying area has helped to create a positive learning environment.

Since we have not been able to go and visit our family and friends, we have been able to teach the boys about showing love from a distance. We have colored and painted so many cards for our loved ones. We have videoed crazy science experiments to send to grandparents. We have FaceTimed and Skyped. Seth has actually asked if he could make special presents for people that he misses. I love developing hearts of kindness in our children.

Our family has always had Scripture reading time all together, but with our crazy schedules, it has not been consistent. One of the many things Clint and I have had time to talk about was how we both desire to have a consistent time of reading through God’s Word as a whole family. Now that the boys are in the same room, we put them in their beds, Clint opens up the Greek Bible, he translates it, and we discuss it with Seth and Jude. Not only has this time been beneficial for us a family, it has given Clint the opportunity to study Greek in more depth. It has also allowed us to talk about deep theological topics in front of the boys. They may not understand everything we say, but they are gleaning truth and knowledge all the time.

Although we miss going to the grocery store with Clint, although we are tired of not being able go places as a family, although we have missed seeing our grandparents and friends, we have been able to use this quarantine time for so many positives. We are thankful that our state is beginning to lift regulations. We are thankful that the economy is slowly beginning to open again. We are hopeful that it will soon begin to thrive once more. But through the trials of quarantine, there have been so many things to be thankful for.

Praise Yah!
Praise, O servants of Yahweh,
praise the name of Yahweh.

Let the name of Yahweh be blessed,
from now until forever.

From the rising of the sun to its setting,
let the name of Yahweh be blessed.

Psalm 113:1-3

Quarantine Positives

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